OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

A resourceful place

Nonprofit HR’s Blog

Over the last several months, Work4Nonprofits has pulled together key thought leaders from government, education and the public and nonprofit sectors to explore ways to put unemployed Americans to work in the nonprofit sector. As we move forward, we want to both continually reflect on the feedback we’ve received and keep gathering new points-of-view from you.

We are hosting our first Work4Nonprofits Coalition Call September 30th, 2 PM EST to discuss where we’ve been to date and where we’re going next. Most importantly, this call will be a chance to gather your feedback and thoughts on our direction. During the call, we will go over our Theory of Change framework and invite you to share your reactions and ideas.

Whether you work in education or politics, whether you’re a nonprofit leader or an unemployment expert — we want your voice on our coalition call. Together, we can strengthen this movement and make long-term unemployment a problem of the past.

Sign up to join the call via our webinar partner BigMarker and help us reach our goal of putting 100,000 people from the ranks of the long-term unemployed back to nonprofit work.

Not sure if you should join? Reach out to us to learn more about Work4Nonprofits and our goal for the coalition call.

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