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From addressing employee stress to adapting in-person practices in to virtual solutions, this webinar series delivers superior professional development at the click of a button! On each weekly webinar, Nonprofit HR staff and external consultants provide valuable insights on crucial topics to enhance the expertise and responsiveness of social impact leaders and their staff. These webinars were recorded and archived for convenient on-demand access and we are happy to share them with you! Please refer to the list below, access the full library of video presentations, and watch the ones that appeal to you. Don’t forget to register for the next virtual town hall!

1,2,3, Greenlight? Critical Steps for Successful Workplace Re-entryHow can organizations modify their operations to remain compliant, increase employee safety and ease their concerns about leaving home…
Grief, Trauma & Depression During a Crisis: How it Shows Up, How to Manage itAs employee grief continues to manifest itself in the workplace, leaders and HR professionals are faced with how to manage this among their staff… 
Coronavirus & Your Social Impact WorkforceIf you have been scrambling to create presentation materials for your upcoming staff meeting about the coronavirus then tune in for answers…
HIPAA, ADA, COVID-19 & Your Mission-Driven WorkforceSweeping changes resulting from COVID-19 are imminent and will have short and long-term impacts on all aspects of the global economy and workforce! Stay up-to-date on developments that will inform your organization’s decision-making about your employees….
Keeping Your People Together Through COVID-19 Crisis For most businesses, including nonprofits, COVID-19 has changed everything! Still, your mission remains. Now more than ever, missions will need rely on their people to maintain their impact during this unprecedented crisis. How you treat them and how you lead during this unpredictable process will reshape…
Workforce Planning During the COVID19 Crisis – Freezes, Furloughs, Layoffs & Position EliminationsHow should organizations plan for an uncertain future, especially when the external environment is changing daily and weekly?  What does a viable workforce plan look like as the need arise for contracting and expanding staff? Register for this Virtual Town Hall and explore mission…
Pause or Pivot: Unforeseen C-suite Vacancies During COVID-19 PandemicUncertain times aren’t a time for inaction. While it might not be the best time for permanent executive leadership decisions right now, considering shorter-term solutions to address more acute leadership needs could be an effective way to move your organization forward…
Virtualizing Your Recruitment and Onboarding ExperienceOrganizations are making unprecedented decisions based on the “new now”. If your organization is seeking answers to continue growing your workforce and to ensure your people are supported and driving toward mission-critical outcomes, you’re in good company…

What past social impact leaders shared about past webinars in Nonprofit HR’s COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall Series.

“This was a webinar well worth the time listening to. I appreciate all of the content as it relates not only to the current times but also speaks to the overall message we should be operating in…”

“Presentation was superb. Information was valuable, insights very helpful, and connecting everything back to values was a great framework. I thought it was going to be a fact based information session but it was much more. Fantastic!”

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