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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

Are you looking for a job at a nonprofit?

Do you have an opening and want to know where other nonprofits go to get their talent?

Nancy Collamer has a list of her top seven favorite websites for nonprofit jobs. The list is based, in part, on our 2013 Nonprofit Employment Trends Survey. is the most comprehensive site for anyone interested in starting an encore career. Its Job Listings page includes a link to Encore Career Finder, a service that “scours more than 5 million listings for encore-friendly jobs” and lets you search by field and location.

You’ll also find links to other nonprofit job boards, plus helpful videos and articles about searching for nonprofit work. is a nonprofit clearinghouse. Its robust jobs board recently featured roughly 10,000 jobs as well as a database of nearly 80,000 nonprofits.

The Idealist Volunteer Resource Center can clue you into places where you can lend a hand, albeit an unpaid one. Keep in mind: volunteering can sometimes lead to a paid nonprofit position.

The Bridgespan Group runs the online Nonprofit Jobs Center, which now has about 350 positions. That includes paid part-time and full-time jobs, plus unpaid board of directors openings.

Bridgespan also has excellent publications and tools for those interested in nonprofit leadership positions.

Commongood Careers is a search firm that places managers into nonprofit organizations. In the Find a Job part of the site, you can apply for positions its clients need to fill.

For instance, Greenpeace recently listed openings for a grassroots director and a director of online strategy, both in either San Francisco or Washington, D.C.

The Foundation Center is the leading source of information about philanthropy. Buried on its site is the Foundation Center’s Philanthropy News Digest Jobs Board, which features openings at foundations and nonprofits. Recently, there were 743 listings in the database.

The NonProfit Times is the trade publication for nonprofit managers. Its website houses the NonProfit Job Career Center, where you can search by keyword, field, location, salary, level (entry, experienced or internship) and required education.

This website is also an excellent place to keep up with news in the nonprofit world, including stories about who’s hiring and who’s laying off employees.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy is the chief news source for the philanthropy world. Its Jobs page currently shows about 1,000 fundraising, executive, programming and administrative positions.

You might want to peruse the site’s New to the Nonprofit World section — it’s filled with news and expert advice for people who don’t have a nonprofit background.

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