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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

Uncertain times aren’t a time for inaction. While it might not be the best time for permanent executive leadership decisions right now, considering shorter-term solutions to address more acute leadership needs could be an effective way to move your organization forward. Listen to this recording to learn the key benefits of hiring an interim leader in a time of uncertainty, the key success factors that every interim leader should have, and how to make the most of the interim engagement experience.

Sample from transcript:

This is part of our ongoing COVID-19 series. We’re attempting to provide resources that can be helpful to you as you navigate through this difficult time. We’re going to spend some time talking about unforeseen C-suite vacancies and also D-suite vacancies during this pandemic.

We’ll start by discussing the process of making the decision to pause or pivot. We’ll go into things you should consider as you’re making that decision, we’ll talk about the benefits of interim leadership and we’ll also talk about how you can effectively manage the transition as well as key competencies that you should be looking for in your interim leader, should you decide to go that route.

To quote Jay Samit, “Pivoting is not the end of the disruption process, but the beginning of the next leg of your journey.”

As we look forward to how we might make the decision on whether to continue with a full-time executive search or whether we are ready for an interim or permanent leader, we recognize that many organizations facing unforeseen leadership departures also often find themselves without a solid form of a succession plan.

Succession planning overall is becoming a subject that more and more boards of directors are considering. However, other more pertinent issues usually receive immediate focus. It’s only in times of crisis that we see how important that succession planning that we should have been doing actually is. During a time of crisis, making good decisions is more important than ever and the pressure of circumstances makes that process that much harder. It’s a good idea to use the untimely departure of a key executive to consider succession planning for all key roles across the organization, starting with asking internally who has the interest, the skill and the trajectory to get there.

Listen to find out more!



Lisa Brown Alexander
President & CEO
Nonprofit HR

Myra Briggs
Executive Search Practice Leader
Nonprofit HR

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