OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

Strategic workforce planning connects HR strategy to overall organizational strategy. It ensures that social impact organizations have the right people in the right place at the right time. However, only 5% of 2019 Nonprofit Diversity Practices Survey respondents initiated a diversity strategy due to less than optimal organization performance. Will this number increase in 2020?

Some things we will discuss:

  • How to assess and rework your workforce plan by using a lens of diversity and inclusion
  • How to ensure your workforce planning practices leverage the full diversity of your staff
  • How to create strategic workforce planning practices that reflect the workforce of tomorrow

Sample from transcript:

We’re going to spend some time talking about workforce planning: why it matters; understanding and getting a better sense for who’s on your bench, who’s on your staff, who’s in your workforce; how to determine who is next in line for opportunities as they become available; then, helping you identify some strategies for building equity into your workforce planning activity.

When we talk about workforce planning, what are we referring to? We’re really talking about the exercise or the activity that an organization uses. The analysis that you would use to align your workforce composition with your long-term, and short-term, organizational strategy and business needs. It is looking at who you have in your organization as it relates to what it is you say and what you want to accomplish.

Said another way, workforce planning is really the process that you use to ensure that you have the right number of people with the right skills, and the right roles in place at the right time, to deliver on your organization’s goals and to ensure that you are an impactful organization. That’s really what we’re talking about when we talk about workforce planning.

So why does it matter? Particularly right now? Listen to find out!



Lisa Brown Alexander
President & CEO
Nonprofit HR

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