OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

A resourceful place

Nonprofit HR’s Blog

Whether your organization operates in one of the states that plans to relax social distancing restrictions in the near future, or plans to return to the workplace 30 to 60 days out, there are several critical workplace re-entry steps to implement. The big question is how you can modify your operations to remain compliant, increase employee safety and ease their concerns about leaving home. Organizations will need to make many adjustments to successfully adjust to the new normal. Listen in and identify the factors your social impact organization must consider when developing a return-to-work strategy.

Focus on these key learning objectives during the discussion:

  • Strategic workforce planning decisions that help identify who must return in order to effectively achieve your mission
  • How to factor in when and how they return
  • What changes are needed to your physical space, protocols and policies for this return
  • Requests your employees may make before returning to work
  • Ways of working that may have shifted at your nonprofit during this pandemic


Alicia Schoshinski
Managing Director, Talent & Development Nonprofit HR

Lisa Smith
HR Business Partner
Nonprofit HR

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