OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

Nonprofit HR’s team


Hakimu Davidson, MBA

Senior Consultant, Search, Impact Search Advisors by Nonprofit HR

[email protected]

Hakimu Davidson, MBA

As a Senior Consultant with Impact Search Advisors by Nonprofit HR, Hakimu Davidson is a trusted advisor and process leader for our firm’s retained executive search clients. Hakimu leverages highly specialized strategic sourcing methodologies, innovative networking, probing interviews and relationship building to find the best possible fit to fill our clients’ needs for professional, senior and executive level leaders for their organizations. Known for his ability to gain a deep understanding of client needs and align them with candidate skills and expectations, Hakimu runs a collaborative search process that provides a positive and successful experience for all parties involved.

Hakimu brings over 18 years of corporate experience with 13 in talent acquisition, search and agency recruiting in addition to his time in corporate finance. His recruiting experience spans various industries and sectors including nonprofits, Big Tech, financial services and energy. Hakimu brings a track record of proven success and innovative recruiting strategies for all levels of search engagements. Prior to joining Nonprofit HR in 2022, he worked or consulted for small businesses and major corporations alike, including many of the largest firms in the world, such as Google, ServiceNow, Splunk, Calendly, Okta, YouTube, Fannie Mae and First Data/Fiserv.

He has a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Business Administration with honors and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the esteemed Mobley School of Business and Industry at Florida A&M University. When he’s not going above and beyond for our clients, you can typically find Hakimu creating new recipes in his test kitchen, writing, participating in high-stakes poker tournaments across the country, mentoring and volunteering at various mission-driven nonprofits. He has served on the national board of the National Urban League Young Professionals and as President of the Greater Washington Urban League’s Thursday Network, young professionals auxiliary, where he was awarded the very first NULYP President of the Year Award.

Pronouns: He, him, his

Learn more about Hakimu in his staff story!