WTOP: 5 ways nonprofits can…
Nonprofit HR’s team

Bryan W. Jackson, MA
Published author and award winning educator, Bryan W. Jackson, MA, provides subject matter expert advice, insight and strategic direction to clients. He oversees complex client engagements, manages projects to completion and designs and facilitates Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice (EDIJ) training solutions and assessment services to partners and stakeholders. As a motivational speaker, passionate trainer, and driven operations and people leader, Bryan’s expertise is grounded in assessing and developing policies, resources and programs to promote principles and practices of justice, diversity, equity and inclusion within organizations and beyond.
Developing and promoting policies aligned with social justice principles and equitable practices at the individual and organizational level through advocacy, professional learning and strategic partnerships have been consistent driving factors for Bryan throughout his career. This passion has guided his work within for-profit, nonprofit and educational organizations over 15 years. Bryan has been recognized and featured in several publications for educational excellence, community leadership and racial and social justice initiatives and serves on several boards. In addition to academic and organizational excellence, Bryan consistently prioritizes the inclusion of community stakeholders, centering their voices and stories as integral to the work.
Bryan has been invited to share best practices as a guest lecturer and keynote speaker at a multitude of universities including his alma maters, Teachers College Columbia University (MA) and the University of Minnesota (BS), where he was recognized as a Distinguished Alumni in 2021 and the William E. Gardner Pre-K Outstanding Educator in 2011. He has also been a featured speaker at the U.S. Soccer Foundation’s National Conference and SHRM National Conference. Bryan’s lectures have addressed the importance of race equity, social justice, social-emotional learning, teacher quality, leadership, community connectedness, solid professional mentorship, resilience and the significance of males of color in teaching roles. In addition to these awards and honors, Bryan is also a co-host of the Dad Genes: Exploring the DNA of Healthy Fathering podcast which debuted at number 17 in the Apple Podcast Parent Category. He is also a 2017 Surge Institute Fellow and completed the Nonprofit Management Executive Certificate at Georgetown University in 2020.
Get to know more about Bryan in his staff story!
Bryan's Recent Blogs and Webinars