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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

A report on CNN Money caught my eye this morning. Have some organizations put their hiring on the fast track to snag talent before it’s gone?

“After Intel began to shift its hiring approach a year ago, a few candidates cried. Other soon-to-graduate students were so happy or excited that they forgot to ask about their salaries.

The big change? The tech company started to hire for some jobs in a week’s time, instead of the multiple weeks it used to take. The process is now being whittled down to a couple of days, says Cindi Harper, Intel’s Americas talent delivery manager.

‘The talent’s not waiting,’ she says. Neither is Intel, apparently. In its new approach, managers and recruiters first determine the key attributes and skills for a job — the profile they are seeking. Then a designated manager joins Intel recruiters at industry conferences and college career fairs, where they hand candidates an offer letter on the spot. A couple of days later, they work out details such as salary and where the job is located, Harper says.

Welcome to the new world of hiring in a hurry, an emergent recruitment method as more employers look to snag talent from college campuses and beyond before their competitors get to them.”

The question I want to rasie my hand and ask is, “If you could have sped up the hiring process, why are you only doing it now?”

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