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The leaders of numerous national nonprofit organizations are teaming up to lobby the presidential campaigns and Washington to preserve charitable tax deductions that may be on the chopping black with this year’s budget negotiations.

Doug Donovan has all the details.

“Leaders of big nationwide nonprofits sent letters to President Obama and Mitt Romney on Thursday urging the presidential candidates to reconsider their proposals to cut the charitable tax deduction.

The leaders also announced that they have scheduled a gathering on December 4 and 5 to bring hundreds of its members to Washington to tell members of Congress that any tax changes that led to decline in private giving would devastate nonprofits and the people they serve.

Among the organizations that sent the letters were the Salvation Army and United Way Worldwide and nonprofit coalitions like the Association of Fundraising Professionals and Independent Sector.

‘Any proposed cap would have long-lasting negative consequences on the charitable organizations upon which millions of Americans rely for vital programs and services,’ said the group of charities that together call themselves the Charitable Giving Coalition.”

Below is a video put together by The Chronicle of Philanthropy concerning the proposed changes.

Note: The above video mentions only President Obama’s plan on deductions. Governor Romney has also put forward proposals to limit the amount of deductions people could take.

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