OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

A resourceful place

Nonprofit HR’s Blog

At Nonprofit HR, we are horrified by the acts of violence resulting in the death of eight Asian women and men in Atlanta and the increasing violence against the Asian community more broadly across the nation.

The murdering of innocent people of all races, genders, identities, religions, political affiliations and abilities, is heinous, denigrates and destroys individuals, families and communities, and leaves a permanent scar on Americans everywhere.

Race-based rhetoric and violence against Asian Americans and people of Asian descent have absolutely no place in this nation. Such language and the horrific actions that follow it serve as the fuel that ignites the destructive flames of hatred, racism, xenophobia, anti-immigrant sentiment and sexism. Acts of violence committed against the Asian American community not only disgrace and dishonor members of the Asian American community but also desecrate every person living in this nation and around the world.

White supremacy oppresses the hated and erodes the fabric of equality in this nation. We believe in and are committed to the power and strength of a global world and diverse America. Without both, we, as world citizens, are robbed of the beauty, innovation, creativity and resilience that is borne of difference and diversity.

Nonprofit HR deplores the oppression of all people and stands in solidarity with our clients serving, uplifting and empowering Asian communities locally, nationally, and globally. We remain deeply committed to advancing the work of the national social impact community including nonprofit organizations serving Asian and Asian Pacific Islander communities everywhere.

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