OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

The success rate of social dating sites like eHarmony are well know. The computer algorithms of eHarmony and sites such have an uncanny ability to find personality matches. These sites have done their research and understand what make relationships successful and unsuccessful.

EHarmony now believes that its success at finding love can be transfered to the workplace.

“EHarmony is poised to enter an already crowded market. Niche job boards such as Dice and professional networks such as LinkedIn have gained traction as destinations for job seekers. And while critics have knocked traditional job boards such as Monster and CareerBuilder as outdated, these sites still accounted for about 18 percent of external hires in 2012, according to a study by consulting firm CareerXroads.

[Grant Langston, eHarmony’s vice president of customer experience] said eHarmony’s advantage may be in eliciting more honest answers to tough questions. For instance, if you want to know how much a job candidate values work-life balance, the candidate is likely to give you the answer ‘in the way they think you want them to answer it. It’s such an artificial and weird interaction,’ Langston said.

If eHarmony can get better answers to these questions, the company believes it can make better workplace matches.”

My question  for employers is “are your really ready to be brutally honest with your candidates in the hopes of falling in love?”

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