OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

Client Demographics

Nonprofit HR Practice Area: HR Outsourcing
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Sector: Nonprofit
Mission Type: Intimate Partner Violence/Domestic Violence
Staff Size: 25–75 Employees
Annual Budget: $5.1–$10 Million


This client was experiencing high turnover due to lack of leadership development opportunities. In addition, the organization was experiencing numerous leadership transitions, which made it hard to develop and implement a vision for manager development. Nonprofit HR was engaged with the goal to ensure those in supervisory roles in the organization were properly trained with the necessary tools to manage people. Training topics included emotional intelligence, managing change, leadership and leadership coaching.

  Blocks showing five employees and one being raised up through learning.

Project Duration: 11 hours

Considerations & Solutions

Due to the sensitive nature of the organization’s work, the interactions between managers and team members were often emotionally charged. Conflict avoidance and passive aggressiveness were common. To address this issue, Nonprofit HR assisted in the implementation of a formal management training, which helped the supervisors in this organization learn critical managerial skills and communication tools.

Following this training, the client saw a decrease in overall turnover as well as employee relations issues since managers understood their role and had the tools necessary to successfully manage conflict before it reached the HR department as a worst-case scenario. Participants of this program noted that the training increased their confidence to lead their people through clear and transparent communication. Moving forward, the organization requires this training for all new managers.

Recap & Reflect: Is there opportunity to provide new professional/leadership development initiatives to better support the success of your staff? Consider options for every level of your workforce. 

Click here to download the PDF.


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