OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

 Joseph PotoskyName: Joseph Potosky
Title: Director-Employee Benefits
Company: MV Financial Group
Session title: Get in Front of the Wave: Healthcare Reform and the Nonprofit Sector
Session date/time:  Tuesday, October 22 – 11:15 AM
LinkedIn profile:
Twitter: @MVFGroup

Profile: Joseph Potosky is a specialist in the field of employer-provided group benefits with an 18 year track record of helping organizations and their employees obtain the most value from their benefits packages. Joe’s perspective on employer-provided benefits is that they are the cornerstone of an employee’s financial plan and as such should empower each plan beneficiary with the full set of tools for making investment decisions uniquely appropriate to that individual’s financial objectives, risk tolerance and special circumstances. At MVCM Joe brings this perspective to organizations challenged by the need to prepare for emergent federal regulations aimed at defined contribution plans, advising on practical ways to educate their employees on prudent investment decision making.

At the Nonprofit HR Conference, Joseph will present on healthcare reform. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is here and the reforms to our nation’s healthcare function are in the process of being reformed. The “Pay or Play” debate slated to take effect in 2014 has to be worked through by all organizations in the coming months dependent upon when your organization’s benefits plan year begins. Join us as we drill into the ACA and look for some answers for your organization.

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