OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

jessica-leeName: Jessica Lee
Title: Director, Digital Talent Strategy
Company: Marriott International
Session title: Innovative Recruitment Strategies Powered by Marriott
Session date/time:  Sunday, October 20 – 3:00 PM
LinkedIn profile:
Twitter: @jessica_lee

Profile: Jessica Lee is director of digital talent strategy for Marriott International. In this newly minted role, she leads their talent related digital and social media efforts for the Marriott International family of brands, which means she blogs, tweets and plays on Facebook all day. In what she’ll quickly tell you is her dream job, Jessica is working to differentiate and position Marriott to most effectively optimize innovative technologies to address the brand’s business needs in the talent space. Don’t be fooled by that fancy pants digital stuff though; she’s still an everyday HR gal in the trenches at the core. SPHR certified, a decade or so into trench HR life… she can whip up a corrective action plan or source for your purple squirrel in a heartbeat.

During the conference’s Sunday Nonprofit HR Innovation Summit Jessica will talk about how first impressions begin well before the front door. The same goes for your recruiting and retention efforts. Modern day recruitment is not only about the proper job description, advertising in the right places and appropriate salary budget but the complete candidate experience mixed with organization branding. Today you have to be clear in why you’re a compelling place to work and ensure your candidate experience is remarkable. Otherwise, the web becomes a scary place to surface information about what others think you’re doing wrong. Marriott International is a global organization with 300,000 employees that serves millions of customers annually. In short, they have to hire a lot of the right people. In order to accomplish this, in 2012 Marriott launched a new suite of technology along with their “Where I belong” recruitment campaign to not only sell the organization as a great place to work, but to make the candidate experience simple and easy. Join Jessica for a hands-on innovation lab to begin to create your own groundbreaking recruitment program for you and your mission.

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