OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

Thanks to the influx of millennials into the workforce and the rising popularity of nonprofit work among older employees, multigenerational workplaces have become the norm rather than the exception in the nonprofit sector.

A recent study conducted by the MetLife Foundation and Civic Ventures found that 58 percent of job-seekers in their 50s are looking to pursue a job that contributes to the greater good, and as a result, many are turning their attention to the nonprofit sector. Nonprofits now have the unique opportunity to attract highly experienced senior talent from the corporate and public sectors who are seeking meaning ways to contribute in the final phase of their careers.

But how can you make your organization more attractive to those searching for a second act career?

Change Your Thinking

They may not realize or admit it, but many hiring managers have preconceived biases about the older jobseekers they interview. They may buy into stereotypes that say older employees are slow to pick up to new technology, prone to burnout, or resistant to leadership from younger executives. Help your hiring managers to realize that these stereotypes are just that. Share with them that in a report from the Sloan Center on Aging & Work, hiring managers gave older employees high marks for their reliability, loyalty and productivity. When it comes to job performance, older employees almost always rate higher than their younger coworkers.

Emphasize Impact

Encore career seekers often prioritize impact over income. They want to use the talents they’ve developed throughout their careers to do something meaningful for a cause they care about. In the recruiting and interview process, be sure to emphasize the difference your organization is making and the important role the candidate can play in moving your mission forward.

Emphasize Leadership

Most older jobseekers come into their second act careers with decades of experience under their belts. They already have the hard and soft skills needed to lead your organization.

Emphasize that they’ll be able to put those skills to work in a meaningful way at your organization. Make it clear that an encore career at your nonprofit will provide a wealth of opportunities to mentor, lead and make a meaningful impact.

Are you seeing an influx of interest from encore professionals at your nonprofit? What are you doing to make your organization attractive to them?

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