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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

Nancy Jo Perdue has a piece in the Herald de Paris that indicates she is just not a fan of HR professionals right now. You better sit down for this one.

“People involved in Human Resources are not always human. If they were, they would easily fall into the serial killer category. Yeppers, they kill hopes. They kill dreams. They kill careers.

In today’s United States job market Human Resources (HR) employees are often ruthless. Because the seekers outnumber open positions, HR teams go overboard with fair. I just wish their fair included a Ferris Wheel, carnival games and cotton candy.”

But wait, there is more! She goes into fine detail about her own hiring experience.

“Recruitment was underway for an unfilled position in another division within our department. I was encouraged to apply for an internal lateral transfer. I arrived five minutes early for the interview because HR personnel encourage applicants to do that. However, the three members of the interview panel arrived five minutes late.

‘We scheduled an hour for this interview, and since we’re starting late, I need to urge you to be concise,’ 795793 said. ‘We have 15 questions to ask, and we want to give you every opportunity to make good use of the time we have left. It will help us evaluate your time management skills. 

The panelists then wasted five minutes deciding who would get to ask which question. Number 795793 took the lead as that was her job.

‘I highlighted my five questions, so you can’t ask number 7. Now, let’s take a quick break to use the restroom. Be back in 15 minutes.’

Twenty-five minutes after the scheduled time, my boss gave a five-minute presentation by introducing the other interview panelists and reviewing their credentials. I already knew them as 842443 and 894002.”

Read Nancy’s complete bit here. It’s not bad.

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