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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

Managers just can’t get a break. They try ever so hard to earn the trust and respect of their organizations and society then something like this happens and is shared all over the Internet.

The Huffington Post has some details.

CBSLA reports that Kristen Joseph had a conversation with one of her managers at Hennessey’s Tavern in which she requested privacy to pump and he said no.

“He said it was disgusting. He said he didn’t want me to spray all over his office. I was just appalled at what he had to say,” Joseph told the news outlet.

Prior to the incident, Joseph says she never had a problem with pumping at work. She took ten-minute breaks throughout the day, KTLA reports. Her manager’s response crushed Joseph.

“I went outside and I was freaking out and crying … my co-workers tried to calm me down,” she told KTLA. And though she was told she could leave for the day, she decided to finish her shift — with breast milk leaking through her shirt.



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