OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

Name: Dayna Fellows
Title: President
Company: WorkLife Performance, Inc.
Session title: Telework: From Grass Roots to Rock Solid
Session date/time: Monday, October 21 – 3:45 PM
LinkedIn profile:

Profile: Dayna Fellows is a highly energetic and innovative leadership consultant and executive coach.  As founder and president of WorkLife Performance, Inc., she is focused on helping managers and leaders identify and bridge the gap between their realities and perceptions of today, and their vision of success for tomorrow and beyond.  She offers more than 30 years of professional experience and advanced study in leadership development, performance management, team dynamics, and professional effectiveness, with special focus on managing remote workers and global teams.

Dayna has served as a consultant in the public, private, and non-profit sectors, helping organizations such as The National Labor Relations Board, NASA, The Wilderness Society, NIH, The Humane Society of the United States, the DC Council of Governments, the World Bank, Washington Area Women’s Foundation, the U.S. Courts, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, USAID, Inova Health System, and GSA reach new goals in workplace excellence.  She has personally coached more than 300 professionals in 19 countries.  In the U.S. Federal Government, she has coached civil servants to success in their first leadership responsibilities, as well as senior-grade specialists moving into and within the Senior Executive Service (SES) ranks.

At the Nonprofit HR Conference, Dayna will present on telework programs. An effective telework program can make a difference in your organization. But what are the risks and opportunities in expanding a work-from-home culture? How do you rein-in inconsistent practices or the sense of entitlement that can arise from early implementation? What about telework’s recent bad press (think Yahoo!)? How do you assure an implementation strategy that creates energy, goodwill, and results, and not anarchy? Join us as we discuss the success story from National Industries for the Blind (NIB). With a devoted internal project team, NIB followed smart, careful steps to build a highly successful program. In this workshop you’ll get the step-by-step process that any organization can follow for a successful program. You’ll also hear what NIB’s President said at the start of their telework initiative and what he said a year later.

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