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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

Employers are preparing for a busy 2021 and some of their most pressing questions relate to whether they can or should require or recommend their employees receive the COVID-19 vaccination. Employers must grapple with the various laws that apply before enacting new decisions and policies in this area. The good news is that the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has updated their What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO LawsTechnical Assistance Q&A and we’re sharing it with you. Section K specifically addresses vaccinations.  Access details now.

Here are a few questions EEOC responds to: 

Question: Is asking or requiring an employee to show proof of receipt of a COVID-19 vaccination a disability-related inquiry?

Question: Where can employers learn more about Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) of COVID-19 vaccines?

Question: Does asking an employee the pre-vaccination screening questions before administering a COVID-19 vaccine implicate Title II of GINA?

See more questions and responses from EEOC. 


Looking for other return to work resources? 

Listen in on a past Nonprofit HR Virtual Town Hall presentation on how recent regulations impact mission-driven organizations. Download the recording now and review information on what your organization can do to remain compliant during the COVID-19 season.

Nonprofit HR received many questions from social impact organizations and shared our responses with the public. Visit the Managing COVID-19 – Talent Management Questions and Answers page to see questions and answers on COVID-19 workplace topics.

Related One-Page Resources 

Managing the needs of your nonprofit’s workforce while navigating an increasingly complex world of regulations, requirements and HR responsibilities can be difficult. Contact our experts for support!

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