OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

A resourceful place

Nonprofit HR’s Blog

Diversity, equity, inclusion and justice (DEIJ) looks different for each organization. Over the years Nonprofit HR has witnessed the impact DEIJ has on missions. After assessing the role best assumed by our firm in this area, we have determined that collecting, documenting and publishing current diversity practices for mission-driven organizations in North America will strengthen the sector and allow Nonprofit HR to provide tools, training and resources to expand knowledge and best practices. It will also help to identify additional opportunities for research in areas where gaps in data exist.

Who should take this survey?

Leaders of social impact organizations, human resources executives and professionals, DEIJ officers and talent management leaders.

Survey time:

Approximately 12 minutes

Nonprofit HR values your organization’s confidentiality and is committed to ensuring that your organization’s identity will not be disclosed as part of this survey process. Responses will be collected and shared in the aggregate with survey participants and the sector in an effort to better inform talent decisions and investments for 2022 and beyond. Results of this survey will be released in summer 2022. As a respondent, you will be among the first to receive a copy of the results.

This survey has now closed. Results will be made available soon.

Knowledge & Research
Nonprofit HR

Confidentiality: Nonprofit HR values your organization’s confidentiality and is committed to ensuring that your organization’s identity will not be disclosed as part of this survey process. Responses will be collected and shared in the aggregate with survey participants and the sector in an effort to better inform talent decisions and investments for 2022 and beyond. Results of this survey will be released in summer 2022. As a respondent, you will be among the first to receive a copy of the results.

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