OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

The DC Health Benefit Exchange (HBX) Authority yesterday unanimously approved a two-year transition to a health insurance market in which insurers will compete for business based on price, quality, and choice. Small organizations (50 or fewer employees) in Washington, DC will now be able to renew their current plans in 2014 but will be required to purchase insurance through the exchange effective in 2015.

“This is good news for small nonprofits doing business in the District of Columbia,” said Julie Gallion, PHR, Benefits & HRIS Practice Leader for Nonprofit HR. “The DC Exchange has a lot of moving parts and we believe it will be challenging to have everything ready to go for all small organizations in DC by January 1, 2014.”

This announcement applies only to small groups that currently provide insurance to their employees. Insurance products renewed in 2014 will still be required to meet certain standards as outlined in the ACA and DC Exchange. Small groups who do not offer insurance currently will be required to purchase insurance through the exchange in 2014. The HBX is expected to deliver a legislative package for the DC City Council in early April.

HBX’s press release can be read here. Additional in depth coverage is available online here.

Nonprofit HR will continue to monitor the development of the DC Health Benefit Exchange for our clients. We appreciate all those organizations we have worked with over the past weeks on this important issue to not only DC-based organizations but nonprofit groups nationwide.

If you have any questions or concerns about this issue as it relates to your organization, please feel free to contact us at 202-785-2060 or toll free at 877-618-9494.

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