OneDigital Welcomes Nonprofit HR, Expanding Capabilities for the Social Impact Sector

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Nonprofit HR’s Blog

As the news about Coronavirus grows, some may be led to panic. As Total Rewards Practice Leader for Nonprofit HR, I encourage you to remain calm and take proactive steps to review materials that have been published. Nonprofit HR recommends the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) links, detailed below, as the best source of information to protect your employees and business. Answers to some of your questions may be found in the resource. Nonprofit HR is following the recommendations of the CDC and encourage social impact organizations to join us by:

  1. Signing up to receive alerts from the CDC about Coronavirus at:

  1. Reading the Interim Guide for Businesses and sharing information within the guidance to educate our employees; including handwashing and coughing/sneezing etiquette.

  1. Actively encouraging sick employees to stay home and ensuring that our sick leave policies are flexible and consistent with public health guidance and that our employees are aware of these policies.

For comprehensive information on Coronavirus, go to:

There’s more you can do! Take immediate action now!
Being aware of the information within these links and sharing information with your employees is the best defense!  Forward this email along to business contacts, friends and family.


Lisa McKeown
Practice Leader, Total Rewards 
Nonprofit HR

Need help now?

You don’t have to sort out the facts alone to determine the best steps to implement within your organization. Connect with our Total Rewards team for a no-cost mini-consultation.

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