Nonprofit CEOs Must Lead their Organization’s Diversity Efforts

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Monday, June 8th, 2020 in Career Coaching, Careers, Education, Nonprofit HR News. No Comments

There has never been a more timely opportunity for social impact leaders to demonstrate their commitment to diversity. However, many CEOs may find themselves with a need to self-examine their leadership competencies, particularly when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion. In a post-pandemic economy, mission-driven organizations have the unique power to lead through action  … Read more

A Letter to the Post-Pandemic Social Impact Leader  

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Monday, June 8th, 2020 in Nonprofit HR News. No Comments

Spoiler Alert: We’re not writing a new chapter. This is a whole new perfect-bound book!  Dear Social Impact Leader! Over the past few months, we have watched the COVID-19 outbreak explode into a global crisis infecting over a million people and resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths. Billions have been forced to overhaul their  … Read more

Strengthening Your Organization & Diversity Statement

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Friday, June 5th, 2020 in Nonprofit HR News. No Comments

When was the last time that your organization reviewed its diversity statement? Perhaps the recent global events have created a new opportunity. If you are seeking information on whether or not a diversity statement matters, or if your current statement should be updated to reflect your core values, mission and vision, the answer is yes!  … Read more

Defining Diversity for Organizations – Internally & Externally

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Friday, June 5th, 2020 in Nonprofit HR News, Nonprofit HR Practices, Recruitment, Talent Acquisition. No Comments

While the national discussion has moved toward the triad of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), we have seen countless examples of unsuccessful attempts to tackle the basic foundation of diversity. Further, the types of challenges we are called on to solve speak to the fact that many nonprofits lack a true “diversity” strategy. Many human  … Read more

3 Foundational Principles To Manage Change During Hard Times

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 in Nonprofit HR News. No Comments

3 Foundational Principles for Managing Change During Challenging Times It’s no secret that employers are experiencing unprecedented times. The 21st century has ushered in a series of seismic shifts which are rocking a world that was already experiencing turbulence. Amid this, and as social sector leaders search for a new normal, you still have to  … Read more

800+ Pandemic Response Survey Results Are In! Download Now

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Friday, May 29th, 2020 in Nonprofit HR News. No Comments

<<&amp;amp;lt;span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”&amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;/span&amp;amp;gt;>> 800+ Organizations Responded – Download a new infographic now! The results from Nonprofit HR’s Coronavirus Response Pulse Survey are in and here’s a quick snapshot! 69% of respondents to a recent Coronavirus Pulse Response survey say they can accommodate work from home (WFH) for  … Read more