5 Tips to Ease the Pain of Staff Turnover

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Thursday, January 9th, 2014 in Education, Nonprofit HR Practices. No Comments

By Leslie Beckbridge Transition management is one of the biggest challenges that nonprofit organizations face when it comes to talent and leadership. Whether by choice or circumstance, positions are vacated and it should not be the exclusive responsibility of any one person to handle the situation. The human resources team should work in concert with  … Read more

3 Attainable Resolutions for Job-Search Success

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Wednesday, January 8th, 2014 in Job Search Advice. No Comments

New Year’s resolutions are famously unrealistic and it is common for people to make the same resolution year after year hoping that this year something will go differently and they will be successful. As the US continues slowly to climb back from the economic downturn, I expect that many Americans will resolve to get back  … Read more

Use HR to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Tuesday, January 7th, 2014 in Education, Nonprofit HR Practices. No Comments

By Leslie Beckbridge Every year, thousands of Americans resolve to lose weight in the New Year. Also popular are other health-related resolutions such as exercising more, eating better, managing stress better and quitting smoking. Luckily, many companies are eager to help you accomplish these goals. Parade has helpfully put together a list of apps to  … Read more

The Argument for Sector Switching: Nonprofit to For-Profit

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Thursday, January 2nd, 2014 in Career Coaching, Talent Acquisition. No Comments

  There is much conversation in the nonprofit sector about the value (or challenge) of bringing for-profit leaders into the nonprofit sector. Many skeptics of this practice voice concerns about values-alignment, while supporters often cite that these sector-jumpers are looking for more meaningful work and bring valuable business skills with them. Whichever your perspective on  … Read more

Inside Talent Acquisition: Marketing Yourself

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Monday, December 23rd, 2013 in Job Search Advice. No Comments

Having worked for Nonprofit HR for two months now, I have finally developed a greater understanding of how talent acquisition works. Staffing is a challenging yet rewarding profession that requires patience, wit, and strong analytical skills. Several of my friends have come to me seeking advice on how to improve their resumes and become more  … Read more

Questions of Faith (and HR)

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Wednesday, December 18th, 2013 in Education, Nonprofit HR Practices. No Comments

  The winter holiday season has a way of getting peoples’ hackles up. Maybe it’s the anxiety of seasonal expenses, traveling, time with relatives and in-laws, and unpredictable weather on top of the usual stressors of work and life in general. Somehow, there’s never enough time to get things done and it’s a mad dash  … Read more

3 Ways My Employer is Awesome

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Monday, December 16th, 2013 in Nonprofit HR News, Nonprofit HR Practices. No Comments

  Jason Lauritsen of Talent Anarchy taught me that hacking is, basically, the pursuit of making something more awesome. This particular presentation was about human resources and innovation, so we practiced breaking down aspects of our work that weren’t awesome and then brainstorming ways to try to make those same aspects more awesome. It was  … Read more

Expert Q&A: Social Recruiting

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Tuesday, December 10th, 2013 in Talent Acquisition. No Comments

By Leslie Beckbridge and Destiny Kibalama As we near the end of the year, many organizations are examining their strategic plans and making determinations for the coming year. In human resources, this likely involves a conversation with leadership regarding how many new staff will be needed. During this process, it would be a mistake to  … Read more

Rethinking Recruitment: Potential Versus Experience

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Monday, December 2nd, 2013 in Talent Acquisition. No Comments

It is arguably easier than ever to identify prospective employees in today’s job market. The internet simplifies the sourcing process, enabling employers to browse thousands of resumes at the click of a button. However, this convenience belies the challenge of wading through all of that information to find the person you actually want to hire.  … Read more