Encouraging Employees For the Organization’s Betterment

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Thursday, December 17th, 2015 in Nonprofit HR Practices. No Comments

Randie Reilly is the principal at Merzad Consulting, an organization whose mission is to help small business and nonprofits improve their performance by aligning their unique culture and strategic priorities. Merzad Consulting will be speaking at the Nonprofit Talent & Culture Summit in April 2016. For more information on the organization’s presentation and the Summit, visit  … Read more

5 Talent & Culture Trends Your Nonprofit Needs in 2016

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Friday, December 4th, 2015 in Nonprofit HR Practices. No Comments

With December now underway, most nonprofits are entering the home stretch of the 2016 planning season. Teams are finalizing their budgets, firming up their revenue projections, and mapping out their hiring plans. As they do, many are realizing that 2016 is going to bring a great deal of change to their organizations, especially when it  … Read more

Emphasize Selling Points to Overcome Recruitment Challenges

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Thursday, November 5th, 2015 in Recruitment, Talent Acquisition. No Comments

Is your nonprofit competing for top talent? What organization isn’t? Every hiring manager is looking for that ideal candidate who exceeds all of their job qualifications, fits into their organization’s culture and is motivated by its mission. In the for-profit sector, companies that want to hire these coveted candidates often have the ability to increase  … Read more

To Find Nonprofit Talent, Think Like They Think and Go Where They Go

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Tuesday, April 15th, 2014 in Nonprofit HR Practices, Talent Acquisition. No Comments

By Leslie Beckbridge The Millennial Generation is known for various attributes and behaviors, many of them less than appreciated by the more mature workforce. However, one of those attributes bodes very well for the future of the nonprofit sector. More and more we are hearing from younger candidates that they are motivated by factors other  … Read more

5 Ways to Establish a Reputable Nonprofit Brand

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Thursday, January 16th, 2014 in Education, Nonprofit HR Practices. No Comments

By Leslie Beckbridge Transparency is the word of the day in the nonprofit sector as stakeholders want more and more information and accountability. Individual donors, corporate funders, job applicants, prospective members and volunteers all look for indicators that will assure them that nonprofits are delivering on their missions.  A good reputation online and in general can  … Read more