Executive Search: Family League Of Baltimore | NonProfit HR

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016 in Closed Executive Searches. No Comments

Family League of Baltimore, an organization with a vision that sees a Baltimore where every child grows up in a family that thrives, is currently seeking an experienced Senior Director of Youth Initiatives to have overall responsibility for the organizations’ facilitation of the Community School Engagement strategy. The Senior Director will be an integral part  … Read more

Rethinking the Performance Review

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Monday, August 22nd, 2016 in Uncategorized. No Comments

The employee performance review as we traditionally know it is often seen as a painful process for everyone involved. Typically, it happens once annually, and employees are given high-level, general feedback on how they’ve performed over the course of the calendar year. One very intimidating version of this annual event, pioneered by GE decades ago,  … Read more

What Millennials Need to Feel Fulfilled at Work

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Monday, August 8th, 2016 in Uncategorized. No Comments

Millennials are now the largest group in the workforce. More than one in three workers were born sometime between the early 80s and the early 2000s, and on the whole, they are different from the generations before them in some key ways. We’ve all heard our fair share of generalizations about this generation, which the  … Read more

How to Attract, Develop and Retain High-Performing Talent

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Thursday, July 7th, 2016 in Uncategorized. No Comments

According to Harvard Business Review, a high performer can deliver 400 percent more productivity than the average performer. High performers work efficiently and think strategically. They’re motivated, passionate and dedicated. They show promising potential to take on new roles, assume more responsibility, and act as leaders. How can you recognize a high performer at your  … Read more

Six Steps to Align HR with Your Nonprofit’s Strategic Plan

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Tuesday, May 17th, 2016 in Uncategorized. No Comments

The good news: most nonprofits have a strategic plan, which serves as a roadmap for advancing and achieving the organization’s mission. The bad news: many nonprofits don’t align their organizational strategy with their human resources strategy. The YMCA of the USA models this alignment really well. The organization has done an incredible job of aligning  … Read more

The Surprising Way Nonprofit Executive Searches Go Wrong

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Tuesday, March 1st, 2016 in Recruitment, Talent Acquisition. No Comments

We appreciate go-getters—those self-motivated people who work with passion and initiative, who move forward with confidence and unstoppable drive. But when faced with big, important decisions—the ones that impact your entire organization and its future—pausing to do a little (or a lot) of planning goes a long way. Unfortunately, when it comes to the executive  … Read more

Should You Run Your Nonprofit Executive Search Internally?

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Friday, February 19th, 2016 in Recruitment, Talent Acquisition. No Comments

An organization is only as effective as its leadership. Here at Nonprofit HR, we partner with nonprofits to find passionate people who will further their organization’s missions. Executive search is a big part of what we do, and we feel strongly that most nonprofits could benefit greatly from building a strong relationship with an executive  … Read more

Why Millennials Are Not The Leaders of Tomorrow

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Thursday, January 28th, 2016 in Nonprofit HR Practices. No Comments

When we talk about leadership, we acknowledge the importance of not only focusing on today’s leaders, but also on the leaders of the future. Not to be too trite, but the future is actually now. And according to the 2015 Millennial Majority Workforce Study conducted by Red Brick Research, “28% of millennials are management level  … Read more