DC Paid Family Leave Tax – Webinar Recording!

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Thursday, April 4th, 2019 in Uncategorized. No Comments

Written by Julie Gallion, PHRSenior HR Business Partner and Benefits Practice LeadNonprofit HR Download a webinar on this topic! See below!  On July 1, 2019, employers in DC (or employers outside of DC with employees who work in DC) will pay a new tax.  The new tax, DCPFML or DC Paid Family Leave (FML) tax,  … Read more

Nonprofit HR’s 2019 Women to Watch

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Wednesday, March 27th, 2019 in Advocacy, Education, Uncategorized. No Comments

Written by Mishka Parkins in collaboration with Sangeetha Subramanian Nonprofit HR To say now is an interesting time for women would be an understatement. The events and movements of the past few years have sparked joy and pride just as much as they have sparked anger and disappointment. Just think of the #MeToo movement, or  … Read more

The Effects of Future Economic Impacts on Your Nonprofit

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Wednesday, March 27th, 2019 in Advocacy, Compliance, Education, whitepapers. No Comments

Written by Alicia Schoshinski, Senior HR Business Partner Nonprofit HR The last federal government shutdown was the longest in recent U.S. history. Impacts of the shutdown extended far beyond the Federal Government to businesses and nonprofits, including those that do not receive direct federal funding. Understandably, the shutdown likely prompted many nonprofit leaders to think  … Read more

Boomers and Gen Xers Ready for Battle | Nonprofit HR.

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Wednesday, March 27th, 2019 in Uncategorized. No Comments

Written by Patty Hampton, Vice President & Managing Partner Nonprofit HR The saying, “age ain’t nothing but a number,” is true particularly when it comes to the challenges that Gen Xers and Baby Boomers face in what continues to be a candidate-driven market. Pew Research Center confirms that 85% of Gen Xers and 67% of Baby Boomers  … Read more

10 Self-Care Tips for the Fast-Flying Executive

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Wednesday, March 27th, 2019 in Career Coaching, Careers, Education, Executive Search Announcements, Job Search Advice, Recruitment. No Comments

I see it every day when interviewing leaders for mission-driven C-suite positions — the executive who will not rest until the job is done. When interviewing, I focus on the full person. Yes, my primary goal during these conversations is to uncover key leadership traits, but I also look for insights on the candidate’s take  … Read more

5 Key Activities to Ensure Your Organization is Recession Ready

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Wednesday, March 27th, 2019 in Uncategorized. No Comments

If you have been following the financial headlines lately then you know a growing number of economists anticipate an economic recession in the U.S. within the next two years. Rather than reacting to the news, human resources and talent management leaders have an opportunity to help their mission-focused organizations proactively plan for the potential of  … Read more

State of Women in the Nonprofit Workforce

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Wednesday, March 27th, 2019 in Advocacy, Careers, Education, Uncategorized. No Comments

Written by Mishka Parkins, Marketing & Communications Manager Nonprofit HR Just in time for Women’s History Month, the Building Movement Project revisits data gathered from its 2016 survey—Nonprofits, Leadership, and Race— extrapolating and analyzing findings unique to women of color (WOC) in the non-profit sector. The resulting report, Race to Lead: Women of Color in  … Read more

Compensation Practices that Attract & Retain the Right Talent

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Thursday, March 21st, 2019 in Uncategorized. No Comments

Do you dread the “pay discussion” during interviews with amazing candidates, or fear the day that your high-performers will request an increase that your budget cannot sustain? If you feel as if your organization cannot compete for talent with your current pay program, and that there is little you can do to change that, you’re  … Read more

Direct Hire: Senior Innovation Manager – Commonwealth

By Atokatha Ashmond Brew on Thursday, February 7th, 2019 in Uncategorized. No Comments

Nonprofit HR was retained by Commonwealth, an organization that strengthens the financial opportunity and security of financially vulnerable people by discovering ideas, piloting solutions and driving innovations to scale for the search an entrepreneurial, results-oriented Senior Innovation Manager. Learn more about Commonwealth. Visit them online.  Commonwealth discovers new financial challenges and explores new innovative solutions. We  … Read more